31 January, 2012


                    Bolj in bolj mi je lepo,
                    bolj kot luni,
                    ki se sprehaja po svoje
                    in se skriva za smreknami
                    in se razpolavlja in polni
                    in prazni.

                    Ko sem kje na samem
                    gledam luno in zvezde
                    in samota neha žgati.

                    Je tako preprosto?
                    Ni, ker moram hoteti.

                    ~ ~ Ifigenija Simonović

Open Field

I feel better and better,
I feel better than the moon.
She circles her own path
and hides behind pine trees
and divides herself in two
or makes herself full
by her own volition.

When I am alone somewhere
I look at the moon and the stars
and loneliness
ceases to burn.

Is it so simple?
No, because I have to
want it.

~ ~ Ifigenija Simonović

Translated by Ifigenija Simonović  and
Anthony Rudolf.  

From: Kakor da bi snežilo [As if it was snowing], 2011. 

Weischeit (Wisdom) - Artist:  Janett Brown-Dwehus