Departe de unde mã aflu,
pragul de fulgi arginitii
cerne spaţiul stelelor cârcotaşe
- ca şi cum –
ca şi cum totul n-ar fi decât o simplã ezitare de a exista
si mansarda lor, un solstitiuce
reverbereaza intr-un timid glissando
cu tonul
unor ploi ce-abia incep.
~ ~ Irina Moga
As if, glissando
Far from where I am
the threshold of silvery flakes
sifts the space of crumbly stars
if -
as if this was a mere reluctance to exist
below orbs of fused sunshine,
its attic, a solstice
that resonates, in a timorous glissando,
with the tone
of incipient, make-believe rains.
~ ~ Irina Moga